Periodontal Report Newsletters
Dear Doctors,
You will receive our office newsletter quarterly. We are certain you will find the information supplied extremely useful in both diagnosing and treating our mutual patients.
The following is a list of reasons why we feel a quarterly newsletter is so important.
The newsletter:
- Highlights the tremendous amount of scientific advancement in periodontics and dental implants.
- Will address the association of periodontal disease and other systemic diseases.
- Gives a clear understanding of periodontics which will assist you in diagnosing the overall treatment plan in both small and large cases.
- Will help to communicate the same ideas to our patients.
- Provides scientific data which will enhance your case acceptance.
- Enhances your knowledge to provide support to respond to complaints and legal issues.
- Is interactive so that you may choose topics you feel are suitable.
- Gives you knowledge of the sequence, timing and steps of large cases.
- Assists all of us in choosing and discussing topics for our lectures and seminars.
- Is a great method of continuing education.
The purpose of these reports….
For a sample of Periodontal Report: Please click here.
Summer: Clinical Trials in Periodontology
Autumn: Etiology and Treatment of Gingivitis
Spring: Evaluation of Periodontal Disease
Summer: Periodontal Medicine: New Findings
Autumn: Periodontal Esthetics
Winter: Treatment of Furcation Defects
Spring: Topics in Implantology
Summer: Periodontal Regeneration
Autumn: Periodontal Disease and Systemic Disorders
Winter: Drugs and the Periodontium
Spring: Smoking as a Risk Factor for Periodontitis
Summer: Success of Dental Implants
Winter: Management of Periodontal Disease
Summer: Innovations in Implant Therapy
Autumn: Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontitis
Winter: Microbiology of Periodontal Disease
Spring: Periodontitis: Risk for Cardiovascular Diseases
Summer: Dental Implants for At-risk Patients
Winter: Periodontal Osseous Repair and Regeneration
Spring: Enhancing Implant Success
Summer: Smoking and Periodontal Disease: New Research Findings
Winter: Periodontal Esthetics
For a copy of any of the above issues, please contact our office at (419) 882-1807.