New & Modern Technology in Our Office

Toledo Periodontics is determined to offer the newest technology to provide you with the most modern treatment in a safe environment. Here are some examples of this new technology:

At A-DEC, streamlining processes in the dental practice is always a key design requirement for the advanced dental equipment. A-DEC Sterilization Center is no exception. Preference ICC is a complete system designed to help simplify maintenance and sterilization protocols. Preference ICC offers our team a smoother process, increased efficiency and—best of all—a more pleasant experience for our office, our team and the safety of our patients.

Vista Clear dental waterline treatment system: The Vista Clear system is intended to provide improved water quality and reduce bacterial contamination in dental unit waterlines used for irrigation, cooling, lubrication and scaling procedures. Even though it is not required by the law to have this extensive system, our full commitment to offer the safest water to our patients is considered a must.

“The dental profession must continue its awareness of the presence of high levels of opportunistic microorganisms in dental unit water. Despite the lack of evidence of adverse health effects related to these microorganisms, they have the potential to overload the defense systems of immunocompromised patients and occupationally exposed dental staff members. Steps should be taken to improve dental unit water quality; contact of a patient’s open wound, mucous membrane or body cavity with water of poor microbiological quality simply is inconsistent with patient expectations of modern dentistry. Efforts should continue to evaluate the health implications of biofilms in dentistry as new technology, research and data become available.”

The Picasso Dental Laser, the higher level of education and the vast clinical experience will combine the art of beauty with the science of cosmetic dentistry. We believe our treatments are healing, invigorating and custom designed to provide you with the state of the art technology. By restoring your smile, while helping turn back the hands of time, our treatments are ideal for men, women and mature clients who seek the highest degree of esthetic appeal and taste. The benefits of our state-of-the-art treatments have proven medical and dental values and long lasting esthetic improvements and best of all non-surgical. Our trained staff & Dr. Tohme will analyze your smile and present tailored options specifically for your needs.

APPLICATIONS: This soft tissue laser is easy to integrate into the daily practice. The Picasso soft tissue diode laser delivers clinical results and ease of use with the portable design from AMD Lasers™, LLC. The 810mm wavelength provides the best combination of clean cutting and hemostasis in a wide range of soft tissue procedures. It is known for precision cuts with gum tissue, eliminating bleeding at the site and reducing healing time. Picasso is also being used to help treat periodontal disease.


  • Gingival roughing for crown impressions
  • Gingivectomy
  • Gingivoplasty
  • Gingival incision and excision
  • Hemostasis and coagulation
  • Excisional and incisional biopsies
  • Exposure of unerupted teeth
  • Fibroma removal
  • Frenectomy and frenotomy
  • Implant recovery
  • Incision and drainage of abscess
  • Leukoplakia
  • Reduction of gingival hypertrophy
  • Soft tissue crown lengthening
  • Treatment of canker sores, herpetic and aphthous ulcers of the oral mucosa
  • Vestibuloplasty


  1. Sulcular debridement (removal of diseased, infected, inflamed and necrosed soft tissue in the periodontal pocket to improve clinical indices including: gingival index, gingival bleeding index, probe depth, attachment loss and tooth mobility).
  2. Laser soft tissue curettage.
  3. Laser removal of diseased, infected, inflamed and necrosed soft tissue within the periodontal pocket.
  4. Removal of highly inflamed edematous tissue affected by bacteria penetration of the pocket lining and
    junctional epithelium.

The Schick x-ray helps Dr. Tohme provide quicker and more accurate diagnosis, with a minimal exposure of x-ray to our patient. The digital x-ray improved treatment planning and better patient care. The precise level of anatomical detail is essential in determining the best method of treatment as well as seeing the smallest abnormality. The digital x-ray will allow our team to offer unlimited crisp copies to your general dentist or insurance company at no cost to you saving you money and additional exposure to duplicate x-rays.

The CAT scan technology is an essential component to be incorporated in modern offices that specialize in delivering the options of dental implants. With the help of the surgical guide, it ensures an optimal placement of the implant, as well as further analysis to the quantity and the quality of the bone. The CAT scan images provide:

Vital Anatomical Structures and outlines
Bone length.
Bone width.
Surgical alignment of the surgical guide.
Rule out any pathological lesions or any abnormal anatomical structures.


At the present time we collaborate with the state of the art facility of Consulting Radiologists Corporation in Toledo.  The  (CRC) is a specialized health care provider in Toledo, Ohio. The group is dedicated to provide superior quality radiology services through the use of sub-specialized radiologists, leading-edge technology and a highly qualified staff of registered technologists.

Collaboration with your restorative and family dentist and the fine dental labs in our local area as well as nationwide to ensure offering you the smile that you dream to have.
Digital intraoral Kodak Camera that provides quicker and more accurate diagnoses, improved treatment planning and better patient care.

This technology allows Dr. Tohme to capture photos of the inside of the mouth, including teeth and gums, easily and quickly. The camera allows Dr. Tohme to easier communicate treatment options to patients, as well as sharing the images with referring practitioners. Seeing the clearest possible images helps Dr. Tohme diagnose and treat patients effectively. The KODAK 1000 Camera helps Dr. Tohme provide quicker and more accurate diagnoses, improved treatment planning and better patient care. The precise level of anatomical detail is essential in determining the best method of treatment.

Casey educational system offers easier communication of the treatment options to patients. caesylogoCAESY optimizes our team’s time and your time, eliminating the fatigue of repeating explanations and increase your understanding about your case and the options of your treatment in nice presentations, clear images and videos. CAESY’s presentations use clear language to explain the need for treatment, treatment options, consequences of delaying treatment, what the treatment entails and homecare after treatment. Please press below for a sample of the presentations.


Over 270 Multimedia presentations
English and Spanish narration for all presentations
Full-motion video, full-color graphics and dynamic 3-D animation
Topic Image Galleries
Presentation Links
30-minute screensaver loop of presentations
Presented in widescreen format
CAESY DVD 2009 is updated with presentations of the most requested topics. Smile Channel CAESY in our reception area promotes better understanding about esthetic options and lets you know you can get you the smile of your dreams. Smile Channel programs also reinforce the link between dental health and a healthy life. Chair side, CAESY live-action videos are state-of-the-art 3-D animations explaining complex procedures in an easy-to-understand language. CAESY makes it easy for you to comprehend the problems and the solutions. We can also send the information home with you.

Burn a CD with videos, before and after photos and treatment plan recommendations for patients to take home.
Print explanations of dental conditions and treatment options. Hand-outs have full color photos with detailed information that is easy to understand.
Send our patients home with post-op instructions.

Your comfort is first The most advanced techniques in anesthesia and sedation to make your visit as comfortable as possible in very peaceful and enjoyable environment including the most comfortable A_Dec dental chairs, eye protection, surround musical system that offers soft relaxing music and a beautiful tranquilizing view to the back garden.

Our office offers a program for our referring dentists, hygienists and staff – “Lunch ‘N Learn.” We will provide lunch while Dr. Tohme discusses chosen topics, provides slides and answers any and all questions. Dr. Tohme offers a wide variety of topics that will definitely be of interest to your family dental team. This informative program normally lasts approximately two hours which will also provide you and your staff with 1-2 CE credits, as Dr. Tohme is a sponsor of the continuing education programs approved by the Ohio State Dental Board. Dr. Tohme will lecture on almost any Wednesday afternoon. As part of synchronizing the treatment plan with the family dentist and the appreciation to the professional relationship with the referring doctors, our goal is to provide an effective line of communication by offering consistent and quality treatment to our mutual patients as we grow and work together as a team.