Implant Treatment Planning Module
1. Implant therapy involves 1 or 2 surgical appointments. The first appointment is when the implants are gently placed into the bone. The gum will heal within 1 or 2 weeks from this procedure, but bone heals much more slowly. We want the implants to be firmly attached to bone before we ask them to support biting pressures, so we allow them to heal for 2 to 3 months in the lower jaw and 4 to 6 months in the upper jaw before exposing the implants in a second, shorter surgical visit.
2. A minimum of 2 appointments will be necessary after the initial surgery. The first appointment will be one week after the surgery for a check up and possible suture removal. The second postoperative appointment will be to check your progress of the healing. Both visits are quick and simple. Additional check up appointments may be necessary, depending upon your individual situation.
3. We perform the majority of the implant surgeries in our office using only local anesthesia (i.e.: “Novocaine”).
4. The local anesthetics we use seem to be quite adequate for most patients. However, if you want to receive a stronger type of anesthesia, that can be arranged with our office and with Dr. Amy Barricklow. This is very seldom necessary.
5. If you have a denture to replace the missing teeth, you will not be able to chew on it for the first few days or two after surgery, so as not to put pressure on the healing implants. You can almost always wear your denture during this time.
6. After the initial healing phase, we will schedule the second surgery to uncover the implant if necessary. When needed, this is much simpler and quicker than the first surgery. Usually, no sutures are required at all.
7. After your new teeth are placed by your dentist, we will want to have you back during the first few weeks to check the bite, and your ability to clean around the teeth.
8. We will show you how to clean the implants. If you do not clean them properly, the implants will almost certainly fail. Oral hygiene is important for implants, as well as for natural teeth.
9. Your overall health can affect the implants. If you drink or smoke heavily, this can be very detrimental to your dental implants, especially during the initial stages of healing.
10. It is important that you understand the procedure we have proposed for you, as well as treatment alternatives. We recommend that you read all the literature and information which we have provided for you prior to having the dental implant procedure performed for you.