Meet the Doctor
Ziad N. Tohme, D.M.D., D.Sc.

Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology, 2001
Diplomate, Michigan Board of Periodontology, 2001
Ohio State Dental Board, 2000
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dental Board, 1995
Northeast regional Dental Board 1994
Guest Lecturer and Advisory Board Committee Member at Owens Community College/ Hygiene Department. 2006-Present.
Board of Directors, Toledo Dental Society, January, 2008-December, 2011.
Sole Proprietor, Toledo Periodontics, Inc. Toledo, Ohio & Monroe, Michigan 2000- Present.

Assistant Professor, Boston University, Dental School, Periodontics, 1998-2000
Private Practice, Periodontal & Implants, Massachusetts, 1998-2000
Science Award for the year 1997, Boston University
Published numerous research articles in medical and dental journals.
Lectured and supervised courses in multiple aspects of Periodontics and Dental Implants.
Doctor of Science D.Sc/CAGS, Periodontology, Boston University, 1998

Ph.D. program, Eastman Dental Center, University of Rochester, 1995
Advanced training in Periodontology, Eastman Dental Center, Rochester, 1995
Research training, Department of Oral Biology, Boston University, 1993
Externship in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Louisiana Medical Center, 1992
D.M.D. Degree, Boston University, Goldman School of Dental Medicine, 1991
Research training, Department of Oral Biology, Boston University, 1991

The American Academy of Periodontology
American Dental Association
The Academy of Osseointegration
American Association for Dental Research
Massachusetts Dental Society
Ohio Dental Society
Ohio Periodontal Society
Midwest Society of Periodontology
Toledo Dental Society
Russell W. Bunting Periodontal Society, Ann Arbor, MI
Dr. Tohme Published numerous research articles in medical and dental journals.
Lectured and supervised courses in multiple aspects of Periodontics and Dental Implants.
Examples of publications:
The effect of Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitor on the progression of
periodontal disease. S. Karatzas,P. Robledo, P. Michell, Z. Tohme, A.
Trujillo, T. Van Dyke (Journal of dental Research, Volume 79, Special
Issues, page 342, 2000)
Periodontal Diagnosis (Evaluation of Current Concepts and Future Needs)
Ziad N. Tohme and Thomas E. Van Dyke
Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology 2000.
Moesin Functions as a Lipopolysaccharide receptor on human
Monocytes. ZIAD N.Tohme, Salomon Amar, Thomas Van Dyke.
(Infection & Immunity Journal July 1999,Vol 67,No., P.3215-3220)
Sequence Analysis of the Human Neutrophil Lipoxin A4 Receptor
(LX A4R) from periodontal Patients: Impact of a Lipoxin Analog on
Superoxide Anion Generation. N. Chiang, B.D. Levy, Z.Tohme,T.E
Van Dyke, and C.N. Serhan. J Dent. Res. (1999, Vol.78. 1983)
Prevalence of periodontitis in a Well Controlled Diabetic population. S.
Guzman, Z. Tohme, T.E Van Dyke
J Dent. Res. (1999, Vol. 78 :3487)
Characterization of a LPS low affinity cell surface membrane
receptor on human monocytes, J Dent. Res. (1997)
Z. Tohme, S. Amar, T. Van Dyke
Association between HLA class II antigens, antibody response and
periodontal status. J Dent Res. 1995; 74(Spec. Issue):157(167).
Hart TC, Tohme Z, et al.

Miles for Smiles Toledo 2012
- Dr. Tohme is the founder of the ( MILES FOR SMILES) project in 2008, it is a great project to raise awareness, funds and donated services to provide much needed dental care for Toledo area residents who struggle with access to dental care. Our community can work together to “give back” to these underserved residents in the Toledo area. A 5K run/walk to raise funds for access to care, the first year recipient will be the Dental Center of Northwest Ohio.
- Dr. Tohme is a Guest Lecturer and Advisory Board Committee Member at Owens Community College/ Hygiene Department. 2006-Present.
- Dr. Tohme is an elected officer in the Board of Directors, Toledo Dental Society, January, 2008-December, 2011.

Dr. Tohme enjoys his family life in Toledo Ohio, with his wife Dr. Seba Tohme and their daughter Catherine Joy.

He and His family are active members of their local church in Toledo Ohio.
He enjoys leading a healthy style of life, enjoys playing tennis, swimming, and fishing in Lake Erie
Our Promise
- Dr. Tohme, his staff and his design team selected the most advanced technical equipment available offering the most advanced treatment for his patients. We built a state of the art modern and pleasant facility for your comfort and to enable us to meet and deliver the highest level of care to you.
- On your initial visit to our office, we will listen and we will be attentive to your concerns. We will give you a complete examination and then explain the options for your care and the benefits of each one. We will discuss and completely inform you on every step of the way. All of your questions and concerns will be addressed thoroughly.
- Some patients come to us because they are anxious about visiting a dental office. Today, we receive many referrals from these patients because we have listened to their concerns, helped them overcome stress and have given them beautiful smiles. In addition to listening to your concerns, we use the latest technology to provide excellent dental care in a comfortable setting. If you would like to visit our practice to see for yourself, please stop by for an office tour.
- We at Toledo Periodontics are dedicated to provide you with the utmost advanced and successful dental implants with a gentle touch. We use state-of-the-art FDA and ADA approved dental implants that have an excellent success rate and are backed by many years of documented clinical experience and extensive research.
- Our modern sterilization system surpasses OSHA requirements. Also the water source for our dental units is distilled water which removes any chance for contamination that is found in regular tap water.
- Esthetic and plastic surgery procedures can be provided to greatly improve your smile. At Toledo Periodontics, Dr. Tohme specializes in dental implants… the modern and affordable way to go.
- Our expert team of assistants and hygienists will perform an oral cancer screening at your initial exam, as well as during your routine hygiene appointments. Our office staff at Toledo Periodontics is prepared to make appointments, address your questions and assist with insurance claims.
- Dr. Tohme works in tandem with your general dentist or specialist to evaluate your specific needs and present a personalized treatment plan to successfully restore and maintain your oral health.
- It is our commitment to remain a pioneer in our field of expertise and to exceed the expectations of those in our trust.
- As leaders in our field, it is our mission to continually challenge ourselves to grow so that we may share our success with you and serve you as only we can.
- We are constantly updating and enhancing our equipment and knowledge protocol to meet the highest standard of care, sharing that with your dentist.
- Our goal is to make your visit a unique and pleasant experience.